College Staff

Principal Mr. Donal Madden
Deputy Principal Ms. Claire Sullivan
Ms. R. Ambrose PE & Gaeilge
Mr. C. Bourke Engineering & DCG
Mr. F. Bourke Construction and Materials Technology (Wood) and DCG
Ms.  J. McIntyre French & Polish
Ms. M. Coughlan Gaeilge, Religion & Learning Support
Ms. R. Crowe Home Economics & Business
Mr. S. Cunniffe Music & Maths
Ms. S. Delaney Art & Learning Support
Mr. L. Doolan Maths & Geography
Mr. T. Fleming Art & Learning Support
Ms. B. Harmon Gaeilge & French
Mr. C. Hegarty Construction and Materials Technology (Wood) and DCG
Ms. S. Hynes English & SPHE
Mr. C. Keane Guidance Counsellor
Ms. J. Keating PE & Geography
Ms. L. Kiely HSCL Co-Ordinator
Mr. S. Loughnane Religion, SPHE, CSPE
Ms. C. McCarthy History & English
Ms. M. McMahon PE, Maths & Learning Support
Mr. F. McNamara Business & Accounting
Ms. S. McNamara Sciences & Learning Support
Mr. G. Mitchell English & Geography
Mr. E. O’Dwyer History & English
Mr. E. O’Mara PE & Maths
Ms. K. Power Sciences
Mr. G. Reddy Construction and Materials Technology (Wood) and DCG
Ms. J. Rogers Sciences
Mr. D. Ryan English & History
Ms. M. Ryan Business & Geography
Administration Staff
Ms. R. Ryan
Maintenance Staff
Mr. S. Coffey
Special Needs Assistants
Margaret Fogarty
Bridget O’Connell
Rachel O’Leary
BTEI Tutor
Marie Tuohey
School Completion Coordinator 
Michelle Morgan